Earlier this 12 months, Playground Productions and Mega Cat Studios introduced the revival of the Backyard Sports franchise, which started with a remaster of Backyard...
Ubisoft has launched Star Wars Outlaws Title Update 1.3.0, which makes a variety of vital adjustments to the sport. The patch, out there throughout all...
Treatment’s new multiplayer sport set in the Control universe has been totally revealed for the first time beneath the identify FBC: Firebreak. Billed as a...
Sega is giving UK followers of its upcoming Persona-esque role-playing sport Metaphor ReFantazio the probability to turn into a member of the royal household of...
Ubisoft and Large Leisure have deployed Star Wars Outlaws replace 1.2, bringing a bunch of efficiency and gameplay enhancements on console and PC. The writer...
EA Sports has launched Title Update 2 for FC 25, which makes a comparatively small variety of adjustments to the recreation every week after launch....